My burning hands – a cautionary tale

I’ve got kimchi problem.
I’ve got hot pepper drama.
I’ve got the goodness gracious my fingers are on fire blues.

I recently discovered the wonders of making my own kimchi and I have been making about a batch a week. Soo many friends and family so little kimchi. I had a pair of unused disposable plastic gloves and decided to wear them today for mixing my kimchi.  I’ve seen other use gloves and seemed more fun.

It didnt happen right away.  I made 2 batches and happily packaged them to gift to friends.  I made lunch, ate it and was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen when i started noticing a slight burning sensation on my thumb.  I thought perhaps I burn it on the skillet without noticing bc it was a tiny spot.  30 maybe 40 minutes later, it’s now full blown and on all 10 fingers.  (cry cry.)

I’ve tried many options : olive oil, vinegar, milk, dish soap, alcohol and finally bleach.  All of these brought on temporary relief but the burning eventually came back.  This is now my form of relief (see pic below) as I wait for the slow agony of time to bring me back my formally happy carefree fingers.

Lesson here:  USE A SPATULA!  OR HEAVY DUTY GLOVES when making kimchi.  Sorry, that was my fingers screaming.


Gloved fingers with olive oil on a ice pack. (Look sad, dont they?)

Dearest Kimchi,
Even tho you hurt me, I still love you.  There’s got to be a bit of fire in every good relationship to keep thing exciting. The passion between us is undeniable and the best part of this will be the making up.  We are stronger for it.  xoxo, 2e.  

Natural flavor of beaver butt and Let’s fight the good fight.

Food babe is hilarious here.  I almost fell off my chair, so this is a must share.

I never thought I would become as involved in my diet as I am currently.  I’m typically a carefree person and do not get too restrictive on much of everyday life.  Nothing is ever black and white so it seems like an easy choice to hang in the grey area.  The obesity and health issues related to food are so overwhelmingly clear that it’s hard to continue to stay on the sidelines.  It’s incredibly disappointing to realize the leaders in our nutritional industries are dropping the ball.  We have put trusts in our government and big corporation for too long and they are again neglecting our wellbeing for their own capital success. (Sadly, this isn’t something new and it will continue to happen.) There’s no reason to add chemicals or gmo materials into your body. The food producers use these chemicals and additives to increase shelf-life, to increase production and  to make bigger, fatter, heavier (in turn unhealthier) animals/vegetables.  They do it simply to make more profit. No regards to what it will do to the people who eat this stuff.  (Do you think they eat it?)

Let’s affect change and let’s do it together – (very easy and minimal effort on our part)
If all of us just take little steps to pay attention and ask questions, we can little by little correct our misguided thoughts that were fed to us about health and nutrition.  I am not much of an activist but I believe that “little hinges swing big doors”.  I join this fight by constantly looking at labels and ingredients of the products and produces I buy.  Although it’s a little more expensive, I tried to buy organic, grass-fed or local.  It is certainly not at 100%, maybe closer 75% but every little bit counts.  The takeaway here, the call to action is simply to buy organic or buy from smaller companies/farms who pay attention to quality over quantity.  There are sooo many benefits but I will only talk about the most important one because it counts the most. You It’s good for your own body, your own health.  It’s the easiest way to show yourself some tlc.  We eat day in and day out.  We eat 3 times a day.  We eat more often, in small portion control.  It’s not something we can ever stop so it needs to be paid attention to.

Now if we all do it, our food suppliers will have to take notice and make adjustments to accommodate our demands. It will be the “little hinge that swing big doors”.  It’s the small 20% of the 80% in Pareto’s law that can make the difference here.  This is the power we have.  We have the money in our hands.  We have the demand.  We are the customers and we are always right.  Demand better for ourselves.  We deserve it.

PS. I sure hope you like this post, it’s one i’m really passionate about.

Egg Age

I just had to reshare this post by Polyface Hen House.  It is such a crazy awesome way to use science to teach us about nature.  I have an odd feeling that I learned this in school but I was more interested in boys than eggs.

I hope you enjoy at much at I do.


Egg age chart

Now, let’s have a little fun.


I was a little nervous going into this because if it’s super old, I’d have to stop buying my eggs from Costco which saves me tons of money.  Phew, I think I’m safe!
let’s see your eggs.

eat kimchi, kimchee

its yummi, yummee

Ever since I incorporated kimchi into my scd for added digestive health, I’ve been toying with the idea of making it myself.  The pain of lugging gigantic jars of fermented vegetables on public transportation where people give you dirty looks was wearing me thin.  My arms thanks me and so does the general public.  With ingredients like garlic, ginger, onions, peppers, there are undoubtedly amazing benefits.

~So many superfoods, but only so many meals in the day

Here’s my recipe:

  • 1 napa cabbage
  • 1/2 c kosher salt (i like diamond brand)
  • water (about 12 c)
  • 2-4 stems scallions, cut into 1 inch
  • 2-4 stems cilantro, chopped
  • 1 inch ginger, minced
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 onions
  • 1/4 c red pepper powder***
  • 1/4 c fish sauce
  • 1 1/2 tbsp sugar (optional(i use organic cane))


  1. Wash and cut your napa cabbage into squares.
  2. In a large mixing bowl (you might need 2), dissolved salt with water.
  3. Soak cabbage in the salt water mix for about 8-12hrs in room temperature.


  1. Mix the rest of the ingredients together.
  2. Add cabbage and mix  (use spatula or heavy gloves***)
  3. Store in airtight container in room temperature until desired taste then move into fridge and enjoy!

The down side here is the brine and fermentation time, but test your patience and you will be rewarded with amazing homemade kimchi!

***(Updated 9/12/13) – Please read this cautionary advice

Hot yoga, Smelly towels no more!

I really love hot yoga.  I began going in conjuncture with my marathon training because it was the only thing that kept my knee and ankle pain away (really helps strengthen joint muscles when done on regular basis).  Also with continuous sessions, I’d feel calm, relaxed, taller even.  I’d have better posture. I’d eat healthier to have better sessions.  My lungs capacity greatly improved.  The problem was the better I felt, the smellier I became…my gear that is.

Recently, I decided to go back.  I missed it but of course, my towels are stinktified again!

This time I fought back.  Here’s how… Vinegar BABY~

1. Put your smellies into the washer with reeeeally HOT HOT water and 1-2 Cups of Vinegar BABY!  Wash.
2. Wash again regularly as you normally would a second round with detergent and make sure to dry completely.

So easy, I wish I wasn’t so lazy with googling the first time around.  I hope this post helps someone.

Cold Coffee for Hot Summers

I’ve been spying cold brewed coffee all over the web but posts fromThug Kitchen always make me fall off my chair.

NYC has been sweltering so there is a NEED, and yes, I will list them for you.
1. lining up
2. going outside
3. getting dripped on by gross air condition water
4.brushing up against sweaty odorFUL people
5. sweaty thunderthighs rubbing together.

I can go on but I won’t since I’m also on the complain-free diet as I am on the trans fat, gmo foods and binge drinking diet.  Life can be so limiting but at least I can still have my iced joe.  I will fight you if you take my caffeine.

This one from The Pioneer Women looks especially delicious..

My problem is finding a giant container to brew the darn thing.  Who has giant containers sitting around in tiny nyc apartments??

And so finally goldeelocks picks this one from Smitten Kitchen because it is just the right size.

PLUS one debate, one video, one art for good measure –

A Hot Debate over Cold-Brewed Coffee

today im a double espresso owl

**when i’m rich as hell, i want to do something impulsive like mystery man from kindnessblog link below.

Jonesing for attention? Want to look badass? Drink Black Water

What?! Crazy people coming up with stuff to sell.
I kinda like it tho.

I know, I know.  I fall for gimmicks.  I can’t help it.  The way I see it, if i have the bean$ and it’s good for you and it’s purrty and it makes me happy. i do what i want.
I love to look good while doing stuff that – one,  is good for you. two, something i have to do anyway.  multitask. Think about fashion or Apple’s entire concept.  It’s how the world works.  You think that ugly* outfit that person put on wasn’t a choice??  of course it is.  freedom of expression.  don’t hold yourself down.  you do what you want.

BLK water – i certainly wont live off it but hell yes i’m going to try it.

Here’s what they tout:
1. Alkaline Ph
2. Mineral ladened
3. Electrolytes
4. Zero calories
5. Taste like water
6. Looks badass! (ok, this last one was from me)

Images from blk.beverages and khaleejesque

*remember kiddies, ugly is just a word and it’s subjective.  use it cautiously and wisely.

a little back story and a video not-for-vegetarian eyes

I’m remember hearing my grandma or dad hacking away at chickens when I was young, with nasty salmonella juices flying all over the place. I thank the heavens, when I had to feed myself in college, the meat came in nicely packaged trays, all plucked, skinned, and deboned. I thought then my life will always be perfectly packaged. With everything delivered to you in pretty little containers, by men in neatly dressed uniforms with properly advertised vehicles. The future is here. You never have to leave the door except for natural sun. Then why do I feel lacking not knowing how to do any of the basics?

I was lucky enough to spent a few months this year with my grandma back in rural Malaysia. We woke up before 6am every morning and tend to the gardens among other things. She had moved into a new place and already have a 3 month old garden on its way. There was already a variety of sprouting vegetables I didn’t know of. Additionally there was papayas, mangoes, lemons, dragon fruits, limes, eggplants, peppers, sweet potatoes, and so much more. It was just incredible. By the end of my stay, we had enough to eat off our own harvest. Each time I discovered a budding vegetable or fruit, it was pure delight. Like when I discovered the soft fiber-y spinach-like vegetables we have been eating are actually leaves of sweet potato root! She calls it Ubi in Malay. I mean, seriously, every misadventure was fantastical, from having to defend the crops from creepy furry munching caterpillars, to shooing birds eyeing our mango buds, to chasing away actual toads! (I still can’t fathom, for the life of me, where a toad would appear from since we are not near any water.) Each time we conquered, my grandma would look at me like a yuppie city dork. These are moments you never think you’d cherish, especially not living here in nyc. Who knew that the other day when I was tending my very first inspired herb garden, I would find a familiar sight of stems devoid of its parsley leaves, and uncover a tiny black caterpillar with yellow decors. I still clumsily and squirmingly managed to defend my herbs. It was a small victory but it felt so full and so warm. More importantly, it led me to think of my Ah Ma half way around the world just about to turn in for the night.

— And so this is how I came to appreciate a video like this below.
Daniel Salatin from Polyface shows how to part a chicken. It’s really a thing of beauty. That’s a hot man.

*I’m considering posting some pictures of my Ah Ma’s garden but seeing as I hardly get any views i don’t see the point —
perhaps a little sign of life in forms of say about 10 comments might inspire me.

she’s incredible

Tavi Gevinson – started out as fashion blogger at age 12 and has been on forbes 30 under 30 list for 2 years.
she has such a mature soul for a young age.  ive seen her few years ago and thought she sounded bratty and wrote her off.   perhaps its the vulnerability in parts of her video which makes her endearing and her bravado that makes her so commendable.